
BHC Medical Centre news


Dec, 2015

10 golden rules for eczema sufferers

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        Use moisturiser and avoid Vaseline based cream. These are only good for normal skin since it can “trap” the water inside the skin to keep the skin stays moist but it can also “trap” the bacteria…



Dec, 2015

Be gentle to our skin…

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Skin is such a delicate organ. The less complicated you treat it the better it will be. Skin is the biggest organ of our body. It is the fortress to protect us not only from microorganisms (germs) but also unfriendly environmental factors such as sun, heat, cold, wind and chemicals. Almost everyone knows that exposing our skin to sunlight without proper sun protection will cause skin cancer and premature skin…



Dec, 2015

Skin treatment

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At BHC we collect the most advanced technologies in combination with our specialised techniques to rejuvenate your skin with minimal down time and rapid results.What happen to our skin when we age? When we are young, our skins are…


Men to minus the meat

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There’s increasing evidence supporting the health benefits of reducing red meat consumption to once or twice a week.  Studies have linked red meat consumption to increased risk of heart disease and some cancers. Emerging research is now showing that a man’s diet, including a high intake of processed meat, could affect the health of his sperm.   Researchers in the US looked at 141 men whose female partners were undergoing…


Could your kids teach you about salt?

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia. It affects around one in six people and comes with a significant social and economic burden.  High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, so efforts…


Safe in our skin

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The skin is the largest organ of the human body and the most exposed to the outside world. It helps protect people against the invasion of infections and germs but contains an array of bacteria of its own, which help maintain the health of the skin and also defend against more harmful strains of bacteria that have the potential to cause disease. However, the skin is also subject to chemicals…